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Stateless class names

Any className defined to be independent from the component state or props is considered stateless.

Type: ClassNamePrimitive

  • Use when component class names should be generated regardless of component's state or its props
  • Use when you do not intend to expose internal state or props (yet)

Defining stateless className value

Defining a stateless class name is no different than defining a variable:

// defined with a string...
const componentClassName = 'my-icon my-icon-red'
// ...or an array:
const componentClassName = ['my-icon', 'my-icon-red']
There is practically no difference between defining classes as strings or array of strings.

Every string and array of strings will be split by space delimiter and provided as the second parameter to any class selector callback.

Defining with a method

When you use defineClassName() it turns your value into a nested object under the hood. It is not required to do so, however it might be helpful to see the resulting object type when analyzing issues.

const className = defineClassName(
'hello world'
Resulting value
const className = {
[HOST_KEY]: ['hello', 'world']