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Configuring Unwind

Unwind comes with few defaults you might want to opt-out or add according to your needs.

To opt-out of all built-in behavior add this before using other method from the package:

import { setClassNameConfig } from '@unwind/class-name'

analyzeArgumentsLength: false,
transformFalsyValue: false,
transformNullishValue: false,
transformTruthyValue: false,



  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Sets whether @unwind/class-name should short-circuit resolve if a callback without a 2nd argument (previous class names) exists in array of class names.


  • type: StringClassNameTransformer | false
  • default: built-in transformer transformFalsyValue()

transformFalsyValue() removes :false or -false suffixes from every CSS class and instead adds not: prefix, e.g. active:false becomes not:active.

Set to false to opt-out of this behavior or provide your own transformer.


  • type: StringClassNameTransformer | false
  • default: built-in transformer transformTruthyValue()

transformTruthyValue() removes :true or -true suffixes from every CSS class, e.g. active:true becomes active.

Set to false to opt-out of this behavior or provide your own transformer.


  • type: StringClassNameTransformer | false
  • default: built-in transformer transformNullishValue()

transformNullishValue() removes CSS classes ending with :null, :undefined, -null, or -undefined.

Set to false to opt-out of this behavior or provide your own transformer.


  • type: StringClassNameTransformer[]

Define your own transformations to run with every resolveClassName().
